Entering our thirteenth year we have carved an important role in the local airport industry. As a joint venture company between Indonesia’s national carrier, Garuda Indonesia and the country’s two main airport authorities, PT. (Persero) Angkasa Pura I & II, we have always emphasized on the need for an all-round service improvement in the fields of service and performance, personnel and equipment.

Gapura Angkasa in 2013 invites high qualified candidates to fill the Management trainee Program 2013 with detail qualifications below:
Gapura Angkasa Management Trainee Program 2013
- Male / Female, healthy physical and spiritual (height & weight proportionate, not color blind, non-drug and other addictive substances);
- Age max. 25 years old to Strata 1 & 27 years old for Strata 2;
- A minimum GPA of 2.5 for all majors;
- The minimum TOEFL 500 (evidenced by a certificate / Toefl test results are still valid);
- Ability to operate a PC program (MS Office, Internet);
- Mastering English both oral and written;
- Have the ability to communicate well;
- Look attractive, friendly, sociable, active, agile, energetic;
- Able to work hard and has the motivation to develop themselves;
- Willing to be placed in the working area of PT. Gapura Angkasa
- For those who do not have a diploma because still in the process of passing and has completed all course activities, so please include the Certificate of Graduation.
- Application letter addressed to: Personnel - PT. Gapura Angkasa
- Curriculum Vitae
- Recent photograph,
- Legalized copy of last diploma / graduation certificate,
- Photocopy of certificate / TOEFL test results, and
- Photocopy of ID card
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