Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Indofarma - Human Resource Manager Career

PT Indonesia Farma Tbk, known as PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk, was established based on Deed No.1 dated January 2, 1996 as amended by Deed No.134 dated January 26, 1996 both of Notary Sutjipto, SH. The Deed of Establihment was approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic Indonesia in his Decision Letter No.C2-2122.HT.01.01.TH.96, dated February 13, 1996, and was published in State Gazette No.43, dated May, 28, 1996, Supplement No.4886.

Indofarma LogoThe Company’s Articles of Association has been amended several times, most recently by Deed No.81 dated June 23, 2008 of Notary Imas Fatimah, SH., concerning the revision of the regulation. This amendment was approved by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in his Decision Letter No.AHU-59223.AH.01.02 dated September 5, 2008

Originally, the Company was a pharmaceutical factory established in 1918 under the name Pabrik Obat Manggarai. In 1950, Pabrik Obat Manggarai was taken over by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and managed by the Departement of Health. In 1979, the Company’s name was changed to Pusat Produksi Farmasi Departemen Kesehatan. Based on Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PP) No.20 years 1981, the Company’s name became Perusahaan Umum Indonesia Farma (Perum Indofarma). In 1996, based on Government Regulation No.34 year 1995, the legal status of Perum Indofarma was changed to stated Owned Limited Company (Persero).

Currently we are opening position for:

Human Resource Manager (Code : M SDM)
  • Bachelor degree majoring in Psychology, Law, Management 
  • Min 2 years of working experience as HR Manager/Manager SDM
  • Mastering in HR management Max age 35 years old 
  • Having a high integrity and loyality 
  • Carefully and thoroughly before making a decision 
  • Able to evaluate the result of teamwork and fostering 
  • Patient, persistent, assertive and confident 
  • Able to recruit corporate teams as needed Mastering in the labor law

Interested candidate may send your application letter not later than March 2, 2013 to

PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk Bidang SMD
Jl Indofarma 1 Cikarang Barat Bekasi 17530 Official

Please include your CV, Recent photograph (3x4), copy of ID card, certificate and other support document when apply

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